ThinkMate is an on-line platform for content analysis of text and images. Qualitative data (texts, visual images) are notoriously difficult to compress, aggregate, store and manage. Content analysis offers a possible solution. ThinkMate allows coding texts both in vivo, naming the codes using the source text, and with the help of code books. The list of available operations includes coding retrieval, analysis of coding frequencies, analysis of coding co-occurrences, analysis of coding by variables and analysis of inter-coder agreement (the platform offers their multiple measures, both chance-corrected and not chance corrected). Results of the content analysis are visualized using 2D charts and can be exported into Word and Excel. Projects can be either individual or group – with a potentially unlimited number of participants. The platform is designed to be used both in teaching, including classes with large enrollment, and research, including in team projects. Its use is free of charge. First-time users are invited to consult User’s Guide and Tutorial Videos available by clinking on the relevant links in the Menu.